Regulations of the Zatorland Park

The safety of our guests is a priority for us, therefore we ask visitors to read the regulations and abide by its rules.

There are many hours of phantastic amusement before you. However, it is important to remember about the common safety rules. The most significant matter is to avoid risking Your own health as well as the health of other guests of our Park. Your safety is our top priority. You can foster our endeavor in that field by learning and following the rules of this Policy.

Our car park is paid and unguarded. The entrance gate opens automatically and doesn’t provide the parking tickets. You need to pay and collect the par- king ticket at the parking machine located in fornt of the main entrance to the park or at the ticket office. The collected parking fee applies to the vehicle parking on a given day until its departure. Leaving the car park and returing to it on the same day requires a new parking ticket. The initial 15 minutes of car parking are free of charge. The provisions and traffic signs of the Polish Highway Code are applicable in our car park. In order to ensure a collision-free movement, drivers are obliged to follow the car park crew instructions. Parking vehicles is permitted solely within the provided for this purpose parking spaces. Any vehicles left in a red-zone and disturbing the traffic will be moved at the cost and risk of its owner. Before you leave your car, please make sure that the door, the boot, the windows and the sunroof have been closed and that all valuable things have been taken from the car. Besides, the drivers are obliged to make sure that there are no flammable materials, including cigarette lighters, that can pose the source of igniton due to heating or overheating left in the car. Leaving animals in vehicles parked in our car park is strictly forbidden. ZATORLAND does not bear any responsibility for the vehilcles parked in the car park belonging to the park related to the damages resulting from the vehicle owner’s or holder’s fault, including theft, damages caused by third parties, fire etc. This also applies to the damages caused by force majeure such as: thunder storm, fire from the source other than the vehicle, hailstorm, explosion etc. and by other unforeseeable events. The exclusion of the right to compensation does not apply to the damages resulting from gross negligen- ce or wilful misconduct of the park’s staff. Claims for compensation will be accepted on condition that they are reported to the park’s representative before leaving the park on the day of the incident.

Entry to ZATORLAND Amusement Park is possible solely through the designated gates upon a valid ticket. One day ticket is a band strapped on a wrist (controlled on entry to every theme park and to the funfair). The unstrapped band is invalid and its holder is entiteled neither to enter any theme park nor the funfair. One wristband is dedicated to one person only. Taking the wristband off or damaging it causes loss of validity of the ticket. Two-days ticket is a band strapped on a wrist (controlled on entry to every theme park and to the funfair) The unstrapped band is invalid and its holder is entiteled neither to enter any theme park nor the funfair. One wristband is dedicated to one person only. Taking the wristband off or damaging it causes loss of validity of the ticket.Two-days ticket is valid for two subsequent days. One wristband is dedicated to one person only and passing it on is forbidden. Taking the wristband off or damaging it causes loss of validityof the ticket. People inebriated or intoxicated or acting inappropiately or aggressively may be banned to enter the park or be requested by the staff to leave the territory of the park.

There is ban on dogs and other animals in the Park. Visitors are requested to follow the rules of fire protection within the whole territory of the Park. Smoking is permitted solely in areas appointed for that purpose.
Visitors are requested to walk along the appointed pathes. Climbing and crossing the safety grates, fences, railings, walls and rops separating the walking paths is forbidden as well as touching the exhibit. Bringing firearm and other hazardous objects (pistols, knives, chains etc.) and glass bottles to the park is forbidden.
For safety reasons, bringing to the park bicycles, scooters, skateboards, skates etc. is forbidden.In case of bad weather conditions, such as rain, freezing rain, snow, hail etc. there is a hazard of slipping. In order to increase safety of the visitors it is necessary to keep precaution at the territory of the whole park by wearing footwear with slip resistant soles, giving up running or rapid marching and using the railings. Swimming and stepping in any body of water within the territory of the park is forbidden.

Our visitors can take use of the available amusement equipment located in the park in accordance with the intended purpose of every individual ride. You are requested to adhere to the staff’s advice. People who deliberately and consciously do not observe the rules about using the amusement equipment and do not adhere to the staff’s advice may be temporarily or permanently forbidden to take use of a given ride, including the request to leave the territory of the park and excluding any compensation. This applies also to the visitors pushing through others queuing to the ticket office. Please understand that taking use of the amusement equipment is subject to specific rules. Each of our rides is outfitted with a board with the rules of use placed on the protecting fence.
Users are held responsible for damages resulting from non-adherence to the rules about using the amusement equipment despite the admonition by the park’s staff and for damages resulting from their own fault, negligence or intentional act. In case of blackout, storm, thunderstorm or any other hazardous incident independent of the park, a shutdown of the amusement equipment will be launched for safety reasons and the park does not bear any responsibility for such disturbances. In such cases any refunds for tickets will not be possible. ZATORLAND reserves the right to stop working of the entire object and to request all visitors to leave its territory in case of a sudden change of weather conditions or a break-down in the park, i.e. in case of health- or life-threatening incidents.Taking use of the amusement equipment, playgrounds and similiar objects located at the territory of ZATORLAND shall be in accordance with the purpose of such a device or infrastructure.Parents and legal guardians are held fully responsible for their children and are obliged to look after and supervise their proteges during the whole stay in the park. People with health burden, suffering from irregular heartbeat and blood circulation disorder etc. as well as pregnant women take use of the amusement equipment on their own responsibility.

All parents, legal guardians and group guardians are requested to fulfill the obligation of superintendance over the children staying under their care. ZATORLAND does not bear responsibility in the above field as well as in the field of liability for damages resulting from any fault or dereliction of superintendance of parents or guardians. Parents and guardians bear full responsibility for all damages caused by their charges deliberately or against the rules of use of the amusement equipment. You – parents and guardians are requested to prepare your children for the encounter with moving and roaring
dinosaurs by explaining them that the reptiles are false and that they do not need to be scared. Our park does not bear any responsibility for the emotional
reactions of our litlle guests.

ZATORLAND bears responsibility for all damages resulting from culpable violation of provisions of this Policy and caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the park’s staff. ZATORLAND does not bear responsibility for incidents caused by factors outside its control, for random events and for shortages that were invisible despite the care for the object. This limitation is not applied to the Park’s responsibility in case of risk to the health or safety or personal injury of the visitors. ZATORLAND does not bear responsibility for loss, destruction or damage of belongings such as mobile telephones, cameras, earrings etc. whlie taking use of the amusement equipment or left unguarded. Every vualuable thing, if found by the staff, is delivered to the park office and kept there until it is collected by the owner, however, not longer than for 6 months. After that period, if not collected, it is disposed of.
In case a shutdown of single rides is necessary for example for maintenance reasons, technical inspection, force majeure, bad weather conditions, basically the refund to the visitors is not justified.

All amusement equipment in ZATORLAND is thoroughly maintained and inspected. If, in spite of this, the user suffers damage (damage to property, personal injury or other) not of his/her fault, they should report the damage to the park office before leaving the park. Visitors are requested to report also situations which are presumed to cause damage at a later stage. Damage claims reported after leaving the territory of the park, will not be taken into acount.

Advertising as well as offering goods and services within the territory of the park, including the car park and the entrance area, are permitted solely upon a written consent of the facilities manager. This applies also to conducting surveys and counting the visitors. Agitation and demonstration in favour of organizations, unions, communities of interests by use of any kind of menas are forbidden both at the territory of the park and inside any amusement equipment or means of transportation (e.g. gondolas etc.). The actions shall be subject to sunctions such as expulsion from the park, civil law reponsibility and reporting public disorder to the Police.

ZATORLAND has the right to expel from the territory of the park, without any compensation, anybody failing to follow the rules of this Policy despite the staff admonishment as well as the visitors whose behaviour threatens their own safety or the safety of others. This rule is also applied to visitors entering the park without a valid entrance ticket. ZATORLAND has the right to use for promotional and marketing purposes the photos of people and objects staying
at the territory of the park at the time of making photo and video documentation.


Have a nice and relaxing stay in Zatorland Management of Zatorland Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Zator, Parkowa Str. 7, 32-640 Zator.